Staging Server

Data and notes about our current setup.

Installation Details

Only one install of wakanda is required. As of this writing, the active one is located here: /opt/wakanda-8-156352/bin/
Each running solution has it’s own script and boot script. Taking the sample solution 42, the startup script is located /opt/wakanda-8-156352/bin/ and the boot script is located /etc/init.d/wakanda-42.

Remember! Must follow the steps outlined here: [[Installation#Server-Changes]]

Naming conventions

1. Admin
<solution name>
Is this required? <project name>.<solution name>

2. Solution
<solution name><project name>

Default server password
Unless otherwise specified, a running server with no open solution is accessible using:
Once a solution has been started, the user/pass combos in use for that server come from the solution.


  • Wakanda assumes that the project/solution is always the top-level directory. This makes it impossible to use apache to rewrite into directories. Take for example It would be better to have all the projects as folders under one solution’s url. However, that isn’t possible and necessitates a naming convention.
  • Need to rewrite the admin pages output so that launching the data browser works. The current code tacks on the solution’s port number to whatever the existing url is. With apache in front of things, this breaks down. Use naming convention (solution and project names combined with to determine what the correct url should be.
  • When creating new solution, you can have spaces in the name. After creation, replace spaces in the solution folder with underscores. This gets around Wakanda bug with spaces in full path.

Apache Server

  1. Lock down API url for each project:




  2. Handle URL routing (proxy) and caching2

TODO: test caching out. Seems like a good fit for Kabootit. From:\#post29111

You can either:

  • use Apache only as proxy
  • use Apache as remote cache servers (+proxy)

In some situations from internal rules, any published website has to go through some Apache HTTP server In such case the Wakanda server can run internally and be accessed from a public IP via Apache which will manage the domain name and route the request to Wakanda

See: ->

Using Apache as a remote cache serves can be interesting in combination with load balancers. All Apache Servers have a copy of the static files and proxy only the requests for dynamic data like the ones starting by "/rest" or "/rpc"


A solution directory can live anyplace on the hard drive. For now, all solutions live inside

When beanstalk deploys to a Wakanda solution, it executes a git pull in that solution’s directory.


Themes, Widgets, and Extensions live here:

Must also modify wakanda/bin/Resources/fileSystems.json

Multiple Wakanda versions

Developing with multiple versions of Wakanda is a known constant.



  1. install wakanda version on development machine
  2. create and populate new git branch of project/solution
  3. naming convention of branch is wak version
  4. use this branch to develop with

Staging server

  1. install wakanda version
  2. shuts down staging server instance for target solution (if exists)
  3. spins up new wakanda server version using the assigned ports
  4. add Git deployment to pull from specific branch instead of trunk

Eventually, replace trunk with a branch as things get moved along. Rinse and repeat.

Certificate handling

TODO: fill this in

Deployment Servers

TODO: fill this in

  • monitoring, restart script, fail safes, auto-start on reboot

Data Security

  • add notes here as they come up

URLs to lock down

Changes to get around ה naming

  • Duplicate .waProject file in all core modules (AC, VL, etc) and remove the ה

  • Update the .waSolution file to point to the newly duped files

  • Change var securityDS (~line 102) in AC/Security/login.js to remove the ה

  • Remember to update .waSolution file whenever new projects added to solution

Performance tuning

Query cache:

Indexing and cache settings explained:

Solution settings:

Forum posts:

Startup script:

Async RPC with timeout functionality

Requires replacing a file in Wakanda Server install. Instructions:


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