
Sections are the main component abstractions of Kabootit. These can be html snippet files, mustache templates files, Wakanda containers, or Wakanda components allowing for scenarios ranging from reporting to full on SPAs.

Sections are inherently reusable as page meta data for sections map section tags to files anywhere in the WebFolder directory. By convention, best practice is to put reusable sections in the src/views directory and non-reusable sections under the specific page directory.

HTML files

  1. Map a section tag to an .html file

Build behavior:

Tag is replaced by the html file.

Mustache templates

TODO: implement

  1. Map a section tag to a .tpl file
  2. Create a .json file in the same location and name as the .tpl file (just different extension)

Build behavior:

Tag is replaced by a Mustache.render(tpl, json)

Kabootit widgets

Widgets that work with Kabootit have two required properties: Tag and Order.

We have modified a number of Wakanda widgets to have these properties and all Kabootit custom widgets have these properties as well.

Any additional properties are used specifically by the widget and don’t have any bearing on the Kabootit build process.

Build behavior:

See Using Wakanda’s Widgets and Creating Custom Widgets

Wakanda containers

TODO: implement

  1. Create a Wakanda Web Component with the same name as the section tag it is meant to replace
  2. Place a Wakanda Container widget on the page
  3. Add .tpl markup to the container’s Kabootit Template property
  4. Place Kabootit Widgets inside the container and associate to specific .tpl tags via the Tag property
  5. Multiple widgets with the same Tag property can be ordered by the Order property

Build behavior:

  1. Widget markup is merged into container template markup
  2. Tag is replaced by container results

Grid system

Kabootit models the Bootstrap grid system via Wakanda’s tab widget. An additional Kabootit property Template has been added to the tab widget and its sub containers. The various template properties are where you enter specific Bootstrap grid markup.

Easiest starting point is to duplicate a Wakanda Component that already has everything setup. Example setup:

  1. Create a Wakanda Component in src/pages or src/views
  2. Add a tab widget to the screen. This will be the horizontal tab panel
  3. Horizontal Template property needs to have a .tpl tag of {\{\{columns}\}\}.
    <div class="container"><div class="row">{\{\{columns}\}\}</div></div>
  1. For each horizontal tab, click the tab container and enter markup in the Template property. A .tpl tag of {\{\{widgets}\}\} is required.
<div class="col-lg-4  col-md-4 col-xs-12">{\{\{widgets}\}\}</div>
  1. For each horizontal tab, add a new tab widget to the container. This is the vertical tab
  2. For each vertical tab container, refer to the Wakanda containers instructions

Build behavior:

  1. Widget markup is merged into container template markup
  2. Vertical tab results are combined in order of tabs and then combined with horizontal parent template markup
  3. Horizontal tab container template markup is added up in order of tabs
  4. Horizontal tab container results is combined with horizontal tab template markup
  5. Tag is replaced by horizontal tab results

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