
Kabootit comes with a number of configuration and javascript files that need to be put into specific places in the Wakanda Solution/Project directly structure.

We’ve included a relatively simple theme in the download that you can use in (and distribute with) your applications. However, any Bootstrap 3 compatible theme can be implemented with Kabootit. A good 3rd party site for top notch themes:

Studio setup

Debugger for Designer

  1. Wakanda Studio/Contents/Resources/default.waPreferences set line near the top: <debugging web_inspector="true"/> to true
  2. with a page open in designer, right-click either the left of right sections of the editor (not center section which is the page editor proper) and choose “Inspect element”.

Designer Mods

1. Container in tab panel to show properties

In file: designer-min.js in ../Resources/Web Components/GUIDesigner/

Delete the following: ,context:[f["protected"],f.allowDrop,f.allowBind,f.allowPaste].join(" ")

2. Kabootit additions to Designer

Add kabootit-run.js to ../Resources/Web Components/GUIDesigner/scripts/designer/ directory

Add line: <script type="text/javascript" src="./scripts/designer/kabootit-run.js"></script>
to ../Resources/Web Components/GUIDesigner/guidesigner.html and guidesigner-debug.html
near the bottom just above line: <script type="text/javascript" src="./scripts/designer/designer-run.js"></script>

Studio extensions

We store extensions and reusable modules in this directory.

Install the following extensions into ~/Documents/Wakanda/Extensions

  1. Kabootit: our main Kabootit extension (pull from “Wakanda/Extension/Kabootit” repo)
  2. Sutra: various utilities (pull from “Wakanda/Extension/Sutra” repo)
  3. Modules folder: currently contains Mustache.js. Will have a lot more I suspect (pull from “Wakanda/Extension/Modules” repo)

Usage notes


require(FileSystemSync("EXTENSIONS_USER").path + "Modules/Mustache.js")

Server Changes

  1. Grab the latest minified jQuery and overwrite the jQuery section in /Applications/Wakanda
  2. Search for and delete it
  3. Replace hammer.js 1.0.5 with 1.0.6
  4. Remove all jquery UI stuff
  5. Remove SVG library jquery.svg
  6. Remove jquery-selectbox.js, jquery-combobox.js, beautytips.js, jquery.notify.js (basically anything with jquery in it)

Alternately, replace the source files and rebuild the minified file per instructions:\#post27476

Project Boilerplate

Build source

This is where things get interesting. Instead of the development process starting with a Wakanda page, Kabootit applies a build process to a src directory structure.

The src directory structure:

pages Wakanda Page Wakanda Component [Grid][Container][Widget] [Container][Widget] [Widget]
templates templateNameDir tpl files
views sectionNameDir Wakanda Component [Grid][Container][Widget] [Container][Widget] [Widget]

Usage: See attached zip file for boilerplate directory structure. Drop into the WebFolder of a project.

Build destination

The Kabootit build process compiles the source files to destination files to a location of your choosing (as specified in the Kabootit Settings file in the solution folder).

In a full Kabootit solution structure (with Apache gateway server and name spacing for projects), this directory will be to the project’s name spaced directory inside of the WebFolder directory. This is not necessary only for the default APP project of a solution.

Note that while you can open and view the destination files in Studio, they are not meant to be edited directly. Instead, open them in the browser to view what you develop in the source files.


Projects expose various data and functionalities via a project-specific API.

To setup, create an API directory in project. Inside this directory are a minimum of two files: {{projectName}}.js and 1.js. These files correspond to the “header” api file and an api version file (you can have many api version files). The header file is used by Kabootit to setup the project api in accordance with security and the version files contain the actual api’s.


Kabootit UI code accesses server side code via RPC.

To setup, create a Modules folder if it doesn’t already exist. Inside this directory is a {{projectName}}.js file tagged as a Wakanda RPC file.

Depending on the destination location of various builder files and the deployment server configuration, the RPC meta tag on a page may need adjusting. Currently, our bootstrap builder is doing this automatically but it is likely to change or be pulled out into a settings data point. Example: <meta name="WAF.config.rpc.file" content="/factory/rpc-proxy/ssjs?namespace=SSJS"/> (note that additional “factory” slot).


Projects “publish” security information for what records are viewable, what actions are allowed, and some default routing information. The [[Access and Control]] project uses this information to configure security for groups.

To setup, create a Security directory in the project. Inside this directory is a {{projectNamej}}.json file with an object containing various information.

Kabootit Settings

Kabootit Settings.waSettings goes in the top level of the solution.

This file configures various builders for each project in a solution. project nodes tells Kabootit which projects to process. builder nodes tell Kaboot which builders to run for a project.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><settings>
    <project name="Kabootit v3">
        <builder name="kabootit" src="WebFolder/src" target="WebFolder"/>


Kabootit theme originals are stored in the ~/Documents/Wakanda/Themes/Kabootit/themeName directory.

New template

  1. select an file as your starting point and duplicate it to /templates/templateName/
  2. alternately, duplicate it to /WebFolder/src/templates/templateName/
  3. change extension of file from “.html” (or whatever) to “.tpl”

See [[Themes]] for instructions on how to “cut” a theme.


NOTE: this section not implemented yet! We’re using the Tab widget as an interim fillin.

Kabootit comes with two specialized widgets to do the fluid + responsive layout in Wakanda Studio. Place these in Wakanda’s custom widget directory.

Additionally, there are many custom widgets in development specifically for Kabootit. These are stashed on our website and you can get to them quickly by right-clicking on the WIDGETS folder in the Studio file explorer pane and selecting “Get Kabootit Widgets”.

Developer instances

To start server with specific port. Example:

  1. navigate to cd /Applications/Wakanda\ 0.150497/Wakanda\
  2. start with ./Wakanda\ Server --admin-port=8090 --admin-ssl-port=4434
  3. or on the server ./Wakanda\ Server <full path to waSolution file> --admin-port=8090 --admin-ssl-port=4434 --debug-off

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