This builder targets the very popular Bootstrap3 framework. Wakanda’s Designer is used for building up forms and components from specifically designed custom widgets and for creating and hooking up application logic. A series of abstractions (themes, meta data, templating, etc) is used by the builder to compile to production pages and code.
Overcomes various Wakanda issues:
- Fixed layout
- Lack of design constraints
- Clunky navigation
- Having to adapt Wakanda widgets in unintended ways
- Lots of widgets on pages resulting in slow and buggy development experience
Core benefits:
- Fluid and responsive layouts: create one interface for mobile, table and desktop
- Theme based look and feel: take the design power away from the programmer and give to the designer…look consistent, modern and great!
- Rapid widget creation approach (“light” widgets): most widgets don’t need to be kitchen sinks
- Merges single-page application and website features: ever wished your SPA’s could have the depth of a website? ever wished your websites could have the powerful interactions of a SPA?
- Reporting: a page can just as easily be a report as an app or website