URL Scheme

Overview: base > project > document > state > record(s) > parameters


1. base url

This is set by the Apache gateway server (domain name).

2. project identifier (opt)

This is piped through to the correct project WebFolder by Apache mod_proxy. This identifier is optional for the solution default project.

3. page with folder hierarchy

This follows the folder directory structure as defined in the project’s WebFolder/projectIdentifier until it hits a document.

4. view state (opt)

Once a document is served up, the next parts of the url are for establishing view state. This is handled by the router implementation.

5. pretty identifier (opt)

If the current view is a record detail, you have the option to use a “pretty identifier” for the record. Example: the company name.

6. record UUID | collection cache UUID (opt)

If the current view is a record detail, the record UUID will always be shown.

If the current view is based primarily around a collection, the registered UUID (as defined in the API) for the collection can optionally be displayed.

If the view is not based around any particular data, this slot is empty.

7. parameters (opt)

Additional parameters can be tacked on to the URL in the form of key/values. Comma delimit the values and if no value use a “-” in the slot.

Example: ../action/GET/company/Data%20Mosaic.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""