API’s allows projects to publish functionality to SSJS and on up the food chain to CSJS. API functionality is not required to be scoped around data class objects like how default Wakanda approach uses. Instead, API is generally organized around business objects. Business objects can be any combination of class objects and workflows small or large.

The use of API to “publish” functionality means that the client should never directly access data storage directly. This does not mean that there is no functionality written at the class object level—just no business or UI logic is at the class object level. Class object functionality is reserved for keeping persistent data structures and data requirements square.

Incoming Changes

  • versioning

  • api class setup (with security code injection to make calls as similar as possible between external and internal)

  • developer key for external validation


Using same endpoint as cross-project xhr talk but with a developer token (and host) whitelist. (Localhost and whitelist requests go through.)


  1. create a folder in the top level of the project called API
  2. create a javascript file in the API folder with the name of the project’s identifier


Any number of javascript design patterns can be used to structure the API.js file(s). Based on the fact that there can be be public and private methods accessed from both the project itself and outside the project, we have gravitated towards one api top level file that uses:

  1. object literal for the public methods
  2. section for private functions, variables and CONSTANTS
  3. module.exports setup code to use in the same project via CommonJS pattern
  4. controller function to handle xhr requests from other projects

Work in progress boilerplate:

    * Public API variable
var AC = {};

    * internal: use as a module
var module = module || new Object();
if (module && module.exports) {
    module.exports = AC;

    * external: request handler comes in here
function controller (request, response) {

    // TODO: go to access and control module to authenticate client request

    // if AC authenticated
    var authenticated = true;
    if (authenticated) {

        // TODO: based on request params, call a method generically (no CASE!)
        // if multilevel deep, call correctly
//      var results = AC[method](request);

        results = AC.organization.getAll(); // example

    else {
        // TODO: if not authenticated
        // TODO: use error module with error object
        return "some error"
    return results;


    * API: public methods
AC.organization = {};

AC.organization.getAll = function get() {
    return ds.Organization.all();

    * Private functions, variables and CONSTANTS
function anonymous(xx) {


Request handler

The key for exposing API to other projects is have a request handler route all external xhr requests through to the controller method in the API. Add the following to each project’s bootstrap.js file (switch out the name spacing):


results matching ""

    No results matching ""